I ain't stoopid however, I ask did anyone see the event yesterday, we had 87% blockage here in southern AZ, was very spooky, I was here in 1994, when the last 'good one' happened in this area, and had a welders helmet for viewng, but a strange weather event happened that year we had some big thunderstorms happen just before it peaked and had very cool light shifts, kinda like a sunset, twilight zone thing but with amazing colors, shifting around, i hoped this one would repeat that experience, but it didn't things just got really dark for that time of day, i can see why this disturbed our ancestors, must have blown their tiny minds!!
Waste of perfectly good stuff IMHO...Drang Nabbitt!! You'd think this stuff could be predicted from our Earthly place with math and all that crap...but, no...
Anyhoo, if ya's saw some of it and enjoyed,,,
Waste of perfectly good stuff IMHO...Drang Nabbitt!! You'd think this stuff could be predicted from our Earthly place with math and all that crap...but, no...
Anyhoo, if ya's saw some of it and enjoyed,,,