Black Friday sale at Chris Cables

Chris Cables

Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2024
Peoples Republic of Vleuten
Just a heads-up that my Black Friday sale kicks off (officially) at midnight tonight GMT+1.
20% discount accross the whole range.

Etsy (for the 'murrcuns)

Marktplaats (for the Euro peens)

Speaker cables are currently only available on Marktplaats while I figure out how to ship them globally for less than the racket it currently costs, but Etsy has everything else.

Some of you here have bought cables from me and I'll leave it to you to chip in and declare whether you're still happy with them or not, lol.
The Europeans can benefit from the no-obligation loan-cable service I offer to investigate if there are potential gains to be had etc. Just ask me for details.
Pre-sale started today for existing customers and I'm doing the forum rounds to give members a few hours advantage of an early position in the build queue. Queue currently stands at about 13 days and it will probably go up to about 20 once the sale goes live.

Little celebration here in sunny Vleuten today since starting the pre-sale as I had my first 5-figure sales day! woot!
The sad part is that 50% goes back to 'the man' in income tax and a further 21% goes to those lovely purchase tax people. Leaves me with a few sheckles to get the Guinness in on the weekends :D

Gratutitous product photos...

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Chris Cables

Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2024
Peoples Republic of Vleuten
Another little milestone coming up probably before the end of the day....
I'm one unit away from producing my 1000th unit for Chris Cables in 2 years of operating the business.
Over 480 invoices that's an average of just under 2 units per customer - speaker cables, headphone cables, interconnects etc.

Can't quite believe how well it's done. I must be doing something right! >.<
I think making sure you have a good product with consistent quality and verifiable specs, listening to your customers and good communication are absolutely critical elements to operating a small business like this. Roughly 50% of my customers are repeat buyers and there is a small group of about 30 customers who buy everything new I come up with just to try it in their systems, bypassing even the loan-cable service I offer, which is both very humbling and very rewarding.

I'm thinking about offering a nice discount or maybe even offer the 1000th unit for free (if it's one of the less time-intensive models) to whoever orders it. Any other suggestions?
In retrospect I should have made a big thing out of it with a competition or something but it went bonkers over the Black Friday weekend and I didn't have time to think letalone conjour up another promotion.

Going to crack open a couple of Guinesses tonight maybe :D

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