Thank you my dear, dear friends from myself and my family
a little background for those who didn't know what was going on, Dad had diabetes for over 30 years and a family history of heart desease. His brothers passed away in their 50's and Uncle Frank died at 46. He searched out a doctor who would do open heart surgery against his specilst and all of our advise, he just wanted a little more time I guess.
What he got was a 4 month torture shuffled from one re-hab center to another following the surgery. he developed a huge sore on his penis because of the cathertors, sores on his heels from being immobile. You don't do this with diabetics, I'm very angry with the medical system right now. He had a great day yesterday, had some ice cream cake and got wheeled around in the wheel chair so We're thankful for that.
One of my earliest memories was in Bloomington Ill 1965, I was playing in the front of the house and this big Buick drove up to the curb, a man and a young boy a little older the me got out, the man opened the trunk and pulled out a metal tractor pedal car set it on the sidewalk and asked me if I'd like to have it. I knew not to talk to strange people but, he had that little boy with him so I thought it might be ok. I was about to go anywhere they went when Dad came flying out of the house screaming at them. They left and I went inside crying, I didn't understand until much later what might have happened, Dad saved my ass many, many times after that, he wasn't the best Father but he loved me and did what Fathers do ... I love ya Pa!!!