A temporary fix to wet my appetite SL-B10


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
As some of you know I've longing to get into vinyl and the quest continues. Last week I got a Technics SL-B10 from a freind, a simple P Mount rig, with a low hour Empire LTD280 cartridge on it.

I'm surprised that it sounds as good as it does really, and it seems that this cartridge is doing a fine job of tracking. The other turntables I've had, the Stanton and the Project Debut III both had issues with low quality sound, inner grove distortion, on the last track or two. No doubt due to the cartridge.

I'm pretty certain that the stock cartridges were not elliptical, but this Empire is and there are no issues at all! Very consistent! :cheers:

The other thing is that the overall quality of sound is much better. This makes me wonder that there is also something to be said about the steel platter/slip-mat that came stock with the Debut III and the 1.2 I had years ago, and how the acrylic platter is recommended. Seems like the rubber mat/aluminum could be working towards an advantage for this Technics. I'm sure it's not the case for every setup.

Brief comments on the rest of the System:

The speakers are a pair of Snell CIV's, driven by a Jolida 502brc and a PS Audio 200c. The preamp is a Nikko Beta 20. The configuration is odd but very satisfying. Since the Jolida seems to have more gain then the PS, I use the passive attenuator on the Jolida to establish the balance.

Even though the preamp is a cheap one, freeing the Jolida of the job of driving a pair of 10" drivers and additional crossover components allow it to perform and sound better in every conceivable way. Most of the time I have been using the Jolida on it's own for the sake of simplicity.

There are plenty of areas here for upgrades, most I'm well aware of. However, I have to say that I'm able to enjoy any material I can throw at this system, at whatever volume suits me. And now I'm starting to get a taste of what analog can offer, most notably on well recorded vocals.




Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
laatsch55 said:
I like the absence of visible wiring. No rats nest there.
Ah yes, the picture angle does help :profileleft: lol.I don't think I've ever had a system set up with more wire than this one.

cd,TT,tape,tuner,pre,2 x 2 channel amps, power strip. = 8 power cords, 14 rca cables, 4 x 10foot lengths of speaker cable. There is also a cable modem and wireless router sitting on the floor hidden by other gear. There is like 150+ feet of cable back there LOL. The key is not to put the preamp on a top shelf.

It's amazing i don't have any noise or tuner issues. :cheers:


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
I can only imagine. Nando has quite a pile of gear too, but it's stacked so I don't see how you could see any cables there.

Looks like I spoke too soon on noise... I think the PS Audio is feeding back some noise into the jolida, or causing it . I noticed it when I walked up to the system to put on another record. Doesn't surprise me though. The 200c is a nice amp but notoriously bitchy. It's negligible though, I can't hear it sitting down and I'm close, like 10 feet away.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
It's nice to see you are happily spending some time listening to LPs, Joe. Your system looks orderly and elegant on your custom-built rack. I have another four cassette tape mixes to record before I'm ready to do a mix tape swap with you. I just finished one tonight for Les in the UK (pictures of the taping session attached). I've been taking the opportunity to use the CDs Lee gifted me to squeeze in a few tracks in each of my mixes of his CDs. Younger Brother is one of the groups that is drawing attention by listeners of my mixes who haven't heard of them before.

When I'm ready to commit to a mix tape swap with you, I'll certainly be interested in doing so. What sort of genre of music do you prefer? I have some early jazz.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
laatsch55 said:
The back of my rack is a nightmare.
The back of my rack looks like snake sex no matter what I do and I invariably must redo it periodically.

If I could just breed interconnects I'd be filthy rich! :faroah:


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
Nando- The rack is actually a couple of tables from a retail store, doing the trick though.

As far as mix goes I'm not too particular. Jazz seems to be my main attraction but not avanteguard or fusion, if that makes sense. Even if we only did a swap once that would be cool.

I've also been exploring some new music. Our local college radio WUNH is boon for new indie music and just about everything under the sun. I use soundhound on my phone to find out what is, but if it's real new I just have to wait for the announcement or call them (actual djs , always answer ). Megafaun is pretty awesome, psych-folk.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
It was bad very bad. The Label didn't sell one. I made the master. Every song was recorded different. I couldn't set my peaks. I had to baby sit the whole tape. I listened to that tape at least 100 times. That is why I can't handle it.



Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
Update. I had to remove the PS Audio from the system. It causes the Jolida to create mechanical and audible noise. I'll blame it on the PS as this has caused other gear to act oddly regardless of configurations.