This here old apartment house has a vintage old school HAVAC unit on the roof, there's control units inside each apt, recently I noticed that when I switch on the fan for heat, I get a huge 'THUNK' through the Yammie amp. I've never had it do that, even with the Marantz receiver as a preamp when switched on, it doesn't matter where the amp is plugged in from....I use a grounded extension cord at all the different outlets in the room, WTF???
I'm afraid I'm gonna damage the amp with this crap. For now, I just make sure it's switched off before I turn on the heater fan, I had dedicated curcuits in the old place, this is all new to me...GRRRRRRR!!!!!
I'm afraid I'm gonna damage the amp with this crap. For now, I just make sure it's switched off before I turn on the heater fan, I had dedicated curcuits in the old place, this is all new to me...GRRRRRRR!!!!!
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