Search results

  1. Schmurpy

    Best way to connect multiple amps to one preamp?

    Newbie question.... Wanting to connect two PL 700 II amps to a preamp, and want to know the best way to go about it?
  2. Schmurpy

    Differences between 700b and 700 II?

    Hello! I am curious as to the differences, between the 700b, and 700 II amps? I've also seen some 700 II amps that are labelled 700b; was there some crossover/midyear model? Is any model better than the other?
  3. Schmurpy

    Amp output/speaker protection

    Hello! I've heard it said, that DC output protection is wise, when running PL amps, in order to protect one's speakers from getting nuked. Are speakers that are already fitted with fuses sufficient? Is there a DC protection product available?
  4. Schmurpy

    Wanted: PL 400 output transistors

    Haven't got them yet. I'm still trying to get the seller to $200.
  5. Schmurpy

    Wanted: PL 400 output transistors

    Sorry, no. I deleted the other one, but held on to the info you gave me. Thank you. There is a PL400 II for sale near me, that is cosmetically excellent, but has bad output transistors on one channel. Asking price $250. I'm trying to source the transistors and price them, and see if it's worth...
  6. Schmurpy

    Wanted: PL 400 output transistors

    All I currently know about this unit is, the output transistors on one channel are bad. I didn't realize they're were others....I'm a noob.
  7. Schmurpy

    Wanted: PL 400 output transistors

    Hello all! The title says it all; in need of output transistors. Thank you in advance, Schmurpy
  8. Schmurpy

    ISO LS-15 Cerwin Vega woofer (15w4)

    I appreciate the help! This is close, but not the right one.
  9. Schmurpy

    ISO LS-15 Cerwin Vega woofer (15w4)

    Hello! As the title states, I need a Cerwin Vega 15" woofer for an LS-15 model. 15w4 should be the part# peinted on the back of the magnet Working or not!
  10. Schmurpy

    WANTED: PL 700 II faceplate and knobs!

    Other than the black faceplate, and small plastic knobs, was there really a difference?
  11. Schmurpy

    WANTED: PL 700 II faceplate and knobs!

    I just bought 2x 700 II units, 1x 400 II unit, and 1x Carver PM 1.5. Another member on here got to the 700 pro at the last second, which is fine; apparently they had their eye on it long before I knew about it.
  12. Schmurpy

    Good price for PL 700 II ?

    No worries man:cool:
  13. Schmurpy

    Good price for PL 700 II ?

    Lol! You're the one that swiped it the last second from me, hahaha. Enjoy:D:cool:
  14. Schmurpy

    Good price for PL 700 II ?

    Wait a sec..... Did you just win the that 700 pro on fleabay?
  15. Schmurpy

    Good price for PL 700 II ?

    What do you mean by "letting go"? Does the WOPL upgrade solve this letting go issue? I have offers on two PL 700 II units accepted for $500 each.
  16. Schmurpy

    Good price for PL 700 II ?

    $500 Offer accepted on one.
  17. Schmurpy

    WANTED: PL 700 II faceplate and knobs!

    I didn't know there was 2 versions. I'm looking at a PL 700 II PRO model, which has the industrial looking black face, and smaller black knobs. If the sale works out, I want to convert it to silver face, and the corresponding knobs.
  18. Schmurpy

    WANTED: PL 700 II faceplate and knobs!

    The title says it all.