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    Comment by 'ThomOfYorke' in media 'Rega.jpg'

    <iframe src="" width="421" height="480" style="" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
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    Tech Recs

    Hi all, I searched the forums and didn't find a thread for tech recommendations (for those of us who are not up to snuff to repair our own stuff), so I figured it would be helpful to start one. Figured the focus could be on those we positively recommend rather than those we urge others to avoid...
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    Funny pictures...

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    Funny pictures...

    I don't know why, but this album cover always makes me laugh.
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    Cassette lovers; why?

    For me, it's a way to feel like I'm part of an era I wasn't around for. I don't identify much with my generation or the current technology or culture. So, as strange as it sounds, it's a form of good company for me mixed with vicarious nostalgia.
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    what are you listening to?

    Pile - "Prom Song" Pretty downer but really good. Sort of a spiritual successor to the angst of Nirvana but more nuanced in songwriting and instrumentation. Plus has one of the best guitar solos of the last fifty years--simple, direct, but powerful.
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    Hello, all

    Haha, thank you all for the warm welcome! And thanks for the welcome babe, haha.
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    Hi from Chris Cables

    Hey there!
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    Hi from Chris Cables

    Damn. I hope I get a welcome babe too, lol! Hey, Chris!
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    Hello, all

    Hi all, Just wanted to introduce myself. Some of you may recognize my handle from the TH forums. I decided to join here on the recommendation of another member, with the intention to broaden my access to valuable information and guidance on restoring, repairing, and servicing tape decks and...