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  1. stetter

    Rabbit Hole

  2. stetter

    Rabbit Hole

    Thanks for the replies, I did not match up the part numbers between the two BOMs above and now see they do have a few diff part numbers. I still wonder about the rabbit hole about Elec caps and brands
  3. stetter

    Rabbit Hole

    I am down this deep dark hole and need help. Nichicon audio grade Elec Caps good eough for PL2000 Best to use all WIMA when Polypropylene Film caps Was ordering off of this BOM but started to think about other threads and past expiernce and this is when I fell into the deep dark hole, Joe or...
  4. stetter

    Phase Linear 2000 RCA jacks

    well that is sad, another abandoned PL. I can see why someone might abandon one. Lots of work and even more time needed to do it right. Mine was part of my first stereo buy back around 1976, and want to get both it and my PL400 back making sweet music again.
  5. stetter

    Phase Linear 2000 RCA jacks

    If you just ground the ground trace for the jacks on the one end and not on the both ends like it came from PL, might that be the diff. Don, Did you do this mod on your PL2000 and still have noise?
  6. stetter

    Phase Linear 2000 RCA jacks

  7. stetter

    Phase Linear 2000 RCA jacks

    You use shorting type right? I have not looked close at mine for years and have not pulled the cover off to look, but seem to remeber they were shoting type. i am tring to order everthing I need. Thanks again for the help
  8. stetter

    Phase Linear 2000 RCA jacks

    Thank you
  9. stetter

    Phase Linear 2000 RCA jacks

    Rebuilding my PL2000 and womdering what RCA jacks are the best fit for it.
  10. stetter

    Satellite Photos

    Lee, metal detector maybe work for that?
  11. stetter

    Tube amp and Power Supply Identification

    At the Taconite mine I worked at, we had a communication system made by Gia-Tronics. The buildings were very big and loud and the system was used to get ahold of the workers out on the floor. We had phone booths all over to talk to them. It was all powered by tube amps that looked a lot like...
  12. stetter

    Hello from Ontario

    Sounds like you came to the right place, welcome aboard
  13. stetter

    phase linear 400

    nice, I have an Ambient weather station but my internet is very poor and not online continually., so no station reporting for me. nice yard
  14. stetter

    phase linear 400

    am I missing something but didn't AEebar's trouble start after he converted his case to 8 fin from 4 fin, I think he had no issues before that. Sounded like a lot of smearing of paste and what ever else he did
  15. stetter

    Need to find tech to straight out this misbuild 700 2 wopl

    I thought he meant his tech had the shorted output. HUH
  16. stetter

    Russian Vacuum Tubes

    It looks like they do what some of the now gone tube sellers did in the past, that is they rebrand other manufacturers tubes as their own. In this case Chinese manufactures.
  17. stetter

    Russian Vacuum Tubes

    I agree that years ago there was issues, but they have worked hard and make great tubes for what I use them for. They also get good reviews from user with way more years at this then I have.
  18. stetter

    Russian Vacuum Tubes

    I have used the JJ tubes in the guitar amps I have built. They sound great for that application and built sturdy for moving around. Don't have any tube stereo amps so don't know how they sound in that application.