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    Hello from AZ, Chandler

    Theres Something about Tubes Welcome to Phoenix
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    Now Sam is gone

    89 is a pretty good run,,,,RIP
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    Peter Yarrow has passed...

    Sorry to here,,,RIP
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    Happy 2025

    Live Long and Prosper
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    Hello from NJ. Finally getting to introduce myself

    Welcome from Minnesota
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    270 Win brass

    Don't worry, we only spank on Saturdays
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    270 Win brass

    Betty why don't you move to Range time, thats where the shooters hang out, BTW thats a great price on that brass
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    Please move my post on Kris Kristofferson to New Posts

    Please move my post on Kris Kristofferson to New Posts
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    Lost another great one Kris Kristofferson Dies at 88 years old

    Kristofferson esteemed singer songwriter actor Rhodes Scholer Golden Gloves Champ played Football and Rugby. There are way to many of his accomplishments to list here Go to Wikepdia to read the rest.
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    Hello from Overundr1

    Welcome to the Forum
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    RIP James Darren

    RIP knew about the singer actor not so much about the directing
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