Hope this counts as a 'review' ...of sorts.
I get a lot of positive feedback from customers who buy my cables, which is nice of course. But today I got a feedback that tops them all.
Whether it's just perception, placebo or actually a real 'thing', cables can definitely make a difference when listening to music. So when someone messaged me today to say that he perceived improvements when listening to 'Time' by Pink Floyd I was pleased as punch! For me, as a huge PF fan it's mission accomplished!
He bought one of my 'Mamba' power cables which have a braided 3-cable geometry. CMRR is the main design aspect as implemented via the braid - it mitigates external noise and is actually a real/measurable thing.
Anyway, it's warmed the cockles enough to break out a coupla Guinesses. Midweek madness.
Translation below the screenshot.

'Ordered the [Black] Mamba from Chris. The cable was delivered to my home on time and nicely packaged.
Connected it immediately and went to listen for a while. Right on target! The cable delivered what I expected: peace in the overall soundscape and the fine details come into their own better. For example, in the song "Time" by Pink Floyd / SACD Dark Side of the Moon, the many different bells and chimes are now clearly distinguishable. The lowest bass remains clear and retains its 'contours'! After listening for about three weeks, the overall impression remains: the cable provides pleasant detailing in a balanced soundscape. Some CDs seem more fun to listen to than I remembered. That is a wonderful compliment for Chris and the cable. Extra praise for the 2 super nice and solid plugs! I am happy with it! Greetings Maarten'
I get a lot of positive feedback from customers who buy my cables, which is nice of course. But today I got a feedback that tops them all.
Whether it's just perception, placebo or actually a real 'thing', cables can definitely make a difference when listening to music. So when someone messaged me today to say that he perceived improvements when listening to 'Time' by Pink Floyd I was pleased as punch! For me, as a huge PF fan it's mission accomplished!
He bought one of my 'Mamba' power cables which have a braided 3-cable geometry. CMRR is the main design aspect as implemented via the braid - it mitigates external noise and is actually a real/measurable thing.
Anyway, it's warmed the cockles enough to break out a coupla Guinesses. Midweek madness.
Translation below the screenshot.

'Ordered the [Black] Mamba from Chris. The cable was delivered to my home on time and nicely packaged.
Connected it immediately and went to listen for a while. Right on target! The cable delivered what I expected: peace in the overall soundscape and the fine details come into their own better. For example, in the song "Time" by Pink Floyd / SACD Dark Side of the Moon, the many different bells and chimes are now clearly distinguishable. The lowest bass remains clear and retains its 'contours'! After listening for about three weeks, the overall impression remains: the cable provides pleasant detailing in a balanced soundscape. Some CDs seem more fun to listen to than I remembered. That is a wonderful compliment for Chris and the cable. Extra praise for the 2 super nice and solid plugs! I am happy with it! Greetings Maarten'