Recent content by moetzmoet

  1. moetzmoet

    Hello all from Fresno CA

    I've been told this is a great place to hang by a friend. I've been involved in audio since the early 70's. By involved, I mean spending money on a hobby I love. I departed from the heavy consumerism for a decade or two, then re-entered whole hog. Coming from the "best" direct drive turntables...
  2. moetzmoet

    Onkyo Preamp P-304

    I planned on using this preamp(Onkyo P-304) with my 700B after I finish with my WOPL work this winter. Any thoughts on this Pre or should I keep looking? Never heard anything bad and it's the only Pre I have left for duty since my P-388f imploded. Seems to handle duties in my man cave with the...