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  • referencing the failed 700B power switch, I've got a stash of the Arrow Hart if you need one. Also you could drop in the triac board I've got. You tested it a couple years ago.
    I'm about 6-7 months backed up right now. Peruse a couple of my rebuild threads in amps, pre-amps to get an idea of what needs done....
    Hi there! So I'm brand new to the forum. I stumbled upon it after recently buying a Phase Linear 2000 Series II preamp/300 power amp/1000 autocorrelator from a local guy on Craigslist. I was told that it is 100% original aside from a 220 to 120 conversion that was done by PL at their facility in Lynwood. The gentleman was retired military and had purchased the unit when he was overseas in Germany, then got stationed in Washington afterward. Anyhow, everything seems to be working just fine, but I am very interested in some of the mods and upgrades that you have done for others. What do you charge for that service? Cheers!
    - Aaron
    Lee , I try to looking for a part q6 2n3403 but not available in Australia. Where can I get it from shopping online ?
    Depends on if you are capable of doing the work. From what I've seen so far , you need to gain a lot more knowledge and experience. The White Oak components are not for beginners..
    LEE , if i want to build my PL400 the one had been blow fuse. I want to replace white PCB . new filter capercitor. New back plate. New out put transitor. I'm not sure those out put transitor is still ok or not. Is that better than send to shop to replace almost haft amount money need to rebuild.
    Hi lee , just want to asking you . My pre amplifier Pl2000 is dual primary voltage. A services manual said if use it with 220v then need to replace a fuse 1/16 amp . I had been open a fuse cap out and check it. I can see a fuse was 2 amp 250v. I can'tfind any fuse 1/16 amp . What is your success for it ?
    Hi lee , sorry to border you. I would like to ask you about a dual primary voltage on PL400 . I just bought a power amplifier 400 and Pre-amplifier 2000 and both of them is dual primary transformer. I'm not a electrician then when i look at my curent power in 220v and compare to a new one . I'm not sure how can i change a voltage line follow by a schematics on services manual.
    Hi there , i would like to adjustment bias on my PL400 but i cant find where location R38 and R39 on PCB. would you please able to let me know. Thank you
    Hi Lee - quit FB cuz I found it excruciatingly boring. Finally figured out how to set up an e mail that Shoot me a message sometime so i know it works lol - Peace
    Hi there , i would like to asking you about PL400 VOLTAGE change from 110v to 220v. Is that any hard to change it without use a transformer step down ????
    nakdoc : Hi Tech Service 2934 Nolensville Pike, Nashville, TN 37211
    tom brucker
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