S sweatybetty Journeyman Tuesday at 12:12 PM #4 Joined Apr 18, 2019 Messages 235 Tuesday at 12:12 PM #4
8991XJ Chief Journeyman Tuesday at 4:16 PM #5 Joined Oct 8, 2011 Messages 1,246 Tuesday at 4:16 PM #5 Missed the part about some of those captured have been released back in the US. Why are you so happy about these captures and deportations? Is your job threatened by them or something? Just curious. I'd just like some kind of control of the borders.
Missed the part about some of those captured have been released back in the US. Why are you so happy about these captures and deportations? Is your job threatened by them or something? Just curious. I'd just like some kind of control of the borders.
BlazeES Veteran and General Yakker Tuesday at 5:19 PM #6 Joined Aug 17, 2011 Messages 7,001 Tagline --- Tuesday at 5:19 PM #6 Reservoirs filled up in California. Funny on how "that" works so quickly...
Chris Cables Chief Journeyman Wednesday at 5:25 AM #7 Joined Jun 13, 2024 Messages 501 Location Peoples Republic of Vleuten Wednesday at 5:25 AM #7 Is common sense finally prevailing over there in Murrca?
M Mohawk Chief Journeyman Wednesday at 2:11 PM #8 Joined Oct 29, 2019 Messages 748 Location Ontario Canada Wednesday at 2:11 PM #8 There is no such thing as common sense.. Sence isn't overly common anymore.....