Fresh 400 s2 build with nearly every WO option


New Around These Parts
Mar 21, 2021
I'm rebuilding my 400 s2 using the full suite from White Oak. After nearly a year of intermittent tinkering and some intense trouble shooting over the last few weeks, I was finally rewarded with the clarity and precision I've read so much about.....almost.

The left channel plays normally. The right channel is attenuated or, otherwise, at a noticably lower volume than the left. It's maybe 15-25% lower AND begins to clip, or distort by some other means, at approximately 50% volume. It seems to sound okay but I haven't done any critical listening.

I could really use some direction on where to look next for, what I hope is, the last issue I'll face during this project.

I have not done any testing other than swapping input channels and speaker connections to be sure this problem isn't something external.

I am firmly in the amateur stages of this hobby and would really appreciate any assistance this group can provide. I have, and can effectively use, a DMM. I also have a Tektronix 2246 Oscilloscope that I purchased to help figure out that I'd improperly wired the potentiometers. I barely know how to use this scope but I am able to produce a wavy line most of the time.

I've checked and adjusted bias for both channels. I measure 390 between B+ Bias and Ground. Between B- Bias and Ground I get 350. This doesn't seem right to me but I'll defer to this group.

I'm very confident, albeit not 100%, in my component placement on all three boards and in my wiring simply due to the amount of time I spent reviewing each and every component during previous troubleshooting exercises.

I don't know where to look next or even what to look for. Any help or advice you all can offer would really be a big help and very much appreciated.

I apologize if this has been covered in another thread, I have not taken the time to look as time has become a factor. I could probably figure this out eventually but I've had electronics spread across my living room for 3 months longer than the 3 days I promised my wife.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Bias is checked between the bias test point on the backplane and the "output" test point.
We recently had another member with your problem and it was the meter lugs touching the cap hold down. Do you have clearance between the back of your meters?


New Around These Parts
Mar 21, 2021
Bias is checked between the bias test point on the backplane and the "output" test point.
We recently had another member with your problem and it was the meter lugs touching the cap hold down. Do you have clearance between the back of your meters?
Oh! That's helpful. I should have looked at the schematic rather than the written instructions. I'll double check bias this evening.

Should the bias be the same (or very close) between B+bias to Output and B-bias to Output?

Clearance is a good thought. Space is a little tight so I have been monitoring clearances throughout the process up to the point where I hastily shoved the face and back into place and plugged it in.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Oh! That's helpful. I should have looked at the schematic rather than the written instructions. I'll double check bias this evening.

Should the bias be the same (or very close) between B+bias to Output and B-bias to Output?

Not Critical, 10-15 mv probably..

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Follow the written instructions in the PDF file for setting the bias and checking for DC on the speaker terminals. Joe's instructions are clear and concise.


New Around These Parts
Mar 21, 2021
Follow the written instructions in the PDF file for setting the bias and checking for DC on the speaker terminals. Joe's instructions are clear and concise.
By George, I never thought of that!!


I've perused the instructions a time or two at this point. It's been a few weeks since I checked the bias. I'd like to think I followed the instructions properly at the time. I'll have to check my notes.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
I would bypass the input attenuators (with an alligator clip wire) and use the preamp output to slowly increase the volume on the Right channel. If the result is the same, you can rule out everything up to the Control Board. Even if you have replaced the pots, they can be contaminated, etc.