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  1. J

    King Loader and Pancakes

    pics Some old pics from my days building cassette loaders.
  2. J

    King Cassette Loader

    Hi, I'm Jack King, My dad, James King invented the first high speed cassette loader. I was with him and I ran the assembly department and did a lot of the engineering on the machine. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
  3. J

    King Loader and Pancakes

    Hi, I'm Jack King, My dad, James King invented the first high speed cassette loader. I was with him and I ran the assembly department and did a lot of the engineering on the machine. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. :colors:
  4. J

    King Loader and Pancakes

    King Cassette Loader Hi, I'm Jack King, My dad, James King invented the first high speed cassette loader. I was with him and I ran the assembly department and did a lot of the engineering on the machine. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.