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  1. Chris Cables

    Discussion about vintage cassette tape degradation

    It's just bizarre that you decided to turn this into a 'thing'. Jesus.
  2. Chris Cables

    Discussion about vintage cassette tape degradation

    I don't think it's an 'over-reaction' to simply exercise caution by deciding not to use mouldy tapes. Maybe you have cheap decks that you don't value so much? Well go right ahead and contaminate those decks with mouldy-ass tapes.... I do think it's an over-reaction to claim that sound advice as...
  3. Chris Cables

    Discussion about vintage cassette tape degradation

    I need one of those in my life.
  4. Chris Cables

    Discussion about vintage cassette tape degradation

    Not always. There's a world of difference between smelling old and dry and smelling old and mouldy. It's really not acceptable to have any mould/mildew, otherwise they're totally useless/unuseable! The amount of damage that will be effected to a tapedeck head & internals simply isn't worth the...
  5. Chris Cables

    What a great week

    Is common sense finally prevailing over there in Murrca?
  6. Chris Cables

    Discussion about vintage cassette tape degradation

    How many of you here inspect your tapes before using them for the first time and what's included in your inspection regimen? I mean really inspect them, for mould or spores or shedding or any form of degradation. The reason I ask is that some forms of degradation can be easily missed. e.g. I...
  7. Chris Cables

    Adios Felix

    Thanks for the kind messages all. I'm missing the little b@stard so much and the place just isn't the same. For one thing, it's too damn tidy around here now! He used to love ripping up the packaging materials from the daily deliveries of cable supplies and stuff, lol. I live alone so he's...
  8. Chris Cables

    Jani's Woes

    Gyazo ftw. Then save the screenshots to a cloud storage service. Dropbox and Box still have free options I think and integrate very well with Windows. I use a Box account and it's saved my bacon a few times when running my business when I lost local files on the PC. I...
  9. Chris Cables

    Adios Felix

    See you on the other side fella x
  10. Chris Cables

    What are you drinking?

    Chasing blondes this weekend. Sometimes, cable orders are like London buses. Suddenly 5 will arrive at the bus stop all at once, then a long pause. Such is the case with my Crystal Clear Phono cable. I think somebody mentions something positive on a forum somewhere then I'll receive a flurry of...
  11. Chris Cables

    COAX cable causing 'channel imbalance'

    Never mind. He solved it eventually. His speaker terminals were reversed. Drrrp. I was so confident that I bet him €20 before he went a fault-finding that the issue wasn't my cable. Offered to send me the 20 bucks but I told him to keep it and buy a few beers for the weekend. What a silly...
  12. Chris Cables

    COAX cable causing 'channel imbalance'

    Got a customer claiming that the 'Crafty COAX' cable I built for him with an RCA connector at one end and a BNC connector at the other is causing 'channel imbalance' in his system. Of course it's not the cable; an audio coax cable is just a bridge for a single digital data stream that deals in...
  13. Chris Cables

    Chris Cables January sale. 20% discount off everything in my Etsy store!

    Got a sale running over on Etsy currently. 15% off everything for the man in the street, but for Phoenix members a whopping 20%! WOW :D I'm at the stage now where I don't really need to do sales promotions as I'm maxed out to capacity with orders most of the time. Also, a couple of weeks over...
  14. Chris Cables

    Seeking Information Terminals M-300 Gauge

    Good luck with that Thom! Hopefully, I may be able to resurrect the project I started back in summer last year to replicate my own M500 gauge to an acceptable spec. I already know it's going to be an expensive prospect matching the original specs however. I wish I had more spare time.
  15. Chris Cables

    dbx224 worth taking a punt on?

    I spent about 3 hours when I first got that deck trying to get a decent recording every which way, but no cigar. I'll never get that time back Bob! :D My conclusion was that it had been messed around with by a previous owner. I've been meaning to calibrate it but you know how it goes when you...
  16. Chris Cables

    dbx224 worth taking a punt on?

    I already passed on it. There's a multitude of threads over at that other place and the concensus seems to be it's inferior to the High-com II anyway. I was just curious. Seller offered it for €25 + delivery. I counter-offered with a trade of a pair of my Core Function RCA cables (sell them for...
  17. Chris Cables

    dbx224 worth taking a punt on?

    I already have a High-Com II which is superior to DolbyB/C imo and I have a Yamaha K720 with dbx NR which I've never been that impressed with (pumping). I can pick up this little unit for not much money and can plug it into the NR loop on my dbx400 and then play around with dbx on the Dragon...
  18. Chris Cables

    What are you drinking?

    One down. Five to go...
  19. Chris Cables

    'High End'. What does that description mean to you?

    Dunno about you guys but for a million sponds it sounds a bit 'middle-y' to me.... :D
  20. Chris Cables

    'High End'. What does that description mean to you?

    That's more one for the 'snake oil' thread isn't it Jim?