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  1. MB1953

    Rek O Kut B12H Rehab Thread

    Nice job! Makes me wish I had kept mine, now knowing now the rumble from the idler motor system could have been silenced by use of a well made wood base. Has the new base absorbed the rumble vibrations enough?
  2. MB1953

    Transistor tester recommendations?

    This is the one I use. Have no use for the IR function, however, for my purpose as a hobbyist, it does the job. The link below to PDF manual shows its capabilities. MB
  3. MB1953

    Hello from NJ. Finally getting to introduce myself

    Greetings Mark! :occasion5:
  4. MB1953

    Funny pictures...

  5. MB1953

    Veterans Day

    For my brother, who served in Vietnam; Ditto
  6. MB1953

    Funny pictures...

  7. MB1953

    Funny pictures...

    Tea is bad for you.
  8. MB1953

    Funny pictures...

    Well, as long as we are counting:
  9. MB1953

    USPS Rant

    Hind site is 20-20, perhaps should have reported it. In addition to the problems expressed, are personal instances where my packages have been dropped off at our gate and left without a plastic bag for protection from rain. Once a computer hard drive delivery was tossed 20 feet down our...
  10. MB1953

    Funny pictures...

    The 47th American President?
  11. MB1953

    Cables, Interconnects & Other Stuff - The Truth

    Linked below,a long in depth read, for anyone interested. Quoted from Rod's article: "Despite what you may read in various forum pages, this entire series of articles is not intended as a 'beat up the subjectivists' tale, but rather a discourse based on research that I, and a great many others...
  12. MB1953

    What would you pay for a decent but basic speaker cable?

    What would you pay for a decent but basic speaker cable?
  13. MB1953

    Funny pictures...

  14. MB1953

    What would you pay for a decent but basic speaker cable?

    And don't forget the Snake Oil. Lets the electrons slip through for better sound!
  15. MB1953

    what are you listening to?

    Mike Oldfield-Tubular Bells III Live London (2nd) HD720/1080
  16. MB1953

    what are you listening to?

    Two Steps From Hell FULL SHOW [LIVE MULTICAM]
  17. MB1953

    Milton the Monster...

    And yet there is truth in education:
  18. MB1953

    Milton the Monster...

  19. MB1953

    Hello from Overundr1

    Greetings Overundr1! :occasion5:
  20. MB1953

    Funny pictures...
