Search results

  1. marcok

    PL4000 rebuild

    Two suggestions : - Replace RCA connectors : they are time bombs - Paint the solder points on the control boards using a pcb insulation paint : some shorts can occur when you insert the control board on the mother board Ciao Marco
  2. marcok

    Vacuum Tube Supplier

    I do agree with Jim ; tubes are not good for a phono amp . Anyway my question was related to the brands ( EL 34 for instance ) Ciao Marco
  3. marcok

    Vacuum Tube Supplier

    Now a million dollar question : What brand of tubes do you prefer ? I use JJ as recommended by VTA guys . ( together Tungsol ) Can you hear the difference ? Ciao Marco
  4. marcok

    Vacuum Tube Supplier Take a look here. Ciao Marco
  5. marcok

    Vacuum Tube Supplier
  6. marcok

    Hello from Overundr1

    Ciao from Italy . Marco
  7. marcok

    On vacation through next week...

    Have a fun , Lee . Ciao Marco
  8. marcok

    Phase Linear 4000 Resurrection

    -Remove all boards -Insert tone board and logic board after cleaning their connectors . -Correlator , peak unlimiter , ambience , equalizer , tone , tape monitor in out position . -Use aux input and check again . In this config it's only a 15 dB line amp . Ciao Marco
  9. marcok

    Phase Linear 4000 Resurrection

    Read between the lines of the service manual ! There are many versions . I suggest the last : rev. 6-81 For RCA connectors use a type like this : Ciao Marco
  10. marcok

    Phase Linear 4000 Resurrection

    To restore a PL 4000 simply follow the famous motto : divide and conquer ! Start with the minimun config : tone board and logic board . In this config it's only a line preamp . Some considerations : - 1st version of mother board and front panel are a disaster and there were replaced after S/N...
  11. marcok

    Phase Linear 4000 Resurrection

    I have restored 2 Pl 4000 s and now they work well . It' possible , but it' a long and boring job. Your unit is the 3rd version ( ambience instead of SQ logic ) and many issues were fixed by PL . Read carefully service manual ( rev 6 -81 ) before starting . Ciao Marco
  12. marcok

    Cleaning alu

    Too many solutions ! Better to wait for an other unit with knobs in a decent state . Anyway thank you for your answers . Ciao Marco
  13. marcok

    Cleaning alu

    Thank you guys . All the products suggested are available here , but there are many equivalent . For example you can use vinegar instead of CLR. I will try if I buy this preamp . Ciao Marco
  14. marcok

    Cleaning alu Any ideas how to clean the knobs of this Dynaco Pas 3X ? Baking soda , sodium idroxide , special polish , drill .... Not yet taken, because now I'm not sure to buy it , but ... Thank you Marco
  15. marcok

    Cassette lovers; why?

    That's right , but I would add the phase shift of low pass filter , the lack of noise and probably a sort of imprinting , because we learned to listen to the music with vinyl records ( before 1982 ). See also Bob Carver's Digital time lens . Anyway , fortunately amps and speakers are analog ...
  16. marcok

    Cassette lovers; why?

    Not only ! Analog sources sound a little better in the mid range ( IMHO of course ). Ciao Marco
  17. marcok

    Funny pictures...

    And the winner is : Xi Jinping ! The West is in bad shape ! Ciao Marco
  18. marcok

    PS Audio

    just out curisity , who is Amir ? Is the founder of Audio Science Review ( ASR ) forum ? " the man with Pink Panther " ? If yes, he seems like a divisive person to me. Ciao Marco
  19. marcok

    Hello, all

    Welcome aboard ! Marco