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  1. R

    Pioneer Sweetie

    Not a lot, but a few. Frankly, I'm one of those that believes that the "big stuff" (including separates) was produced mainly to add clout to the company so they could sell lots of the less expensive, but more profitable stuff. I had a great stereo because as a salesman I got 50% off...
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    Pioneer Sweetie

    It's not his, but is in the same condition. I moved to KY from Seattle and he's one of the ones I don't keep in touch with. When friends wives don't get along, well...
  3. R

    Pioneer Sweetie

    Yes, but once we got into that price range, we started talking separates. The first "monster" receiver I ever met was the Pioneer SX 1010. Meanwhile, a friend of mine has a Hitachi SR-2004. It's sort of the same amp as my HMA-8300 separate amp (that I threw away in 2000 when one channel went...
  4. R

    Pioneer Sweetie

    Back in the day I sold hi-fi for Jafco. They had just come out with the SX-434 when I started. My parents still own the one I sold them. Those things were a steal. Pioneer was a real sleeper brand at that time. They are still my favorite receiver from the 70's with the exception of the Hitachi...
  5. R

    Help a Cowboy Out!!

    Audacity is free. It works. It's a good way to get your feet wet. I'm still using Sonar 1.03 for most of my stuff and I have Cubase LE on my Windows 7 computer that will not work with my version of Sonar. Most of the software is crazy expensive compared to other windows software. The good...
  6. R

    tube vs solid state

    To add to my above post, pouring my single malt from a leaded Crystal decanter into my heavy Baccarat crystal glass definitely enhances the experience. And an "earth globe" ice cube takes it to the next step. It's not just about the flavor. The human brain has been designed to enjoy all the...
  7. R

    tube vs solid state

    I almost completely agree. My only disagreement is that, as a bass player myself, I don't think tubes matter that much. But they are huge in guitars. And Line 6 and other brands have some nice tube sound emulators but they still don't quite have the sound. Regarding the ease of replacement...
  8. R

    Thirty Six Thousand Dollar Speaker Cables?

    I use a lot of mic, instrument and PA cables. And you are exactly right. The quality of contacts DOES matter. It's also easily quantified and qualified. Cables with quality connectors can save you a ton of hassle and worry and are often worth the extra money. But it's rarely about higher quality...
  9. R

    Thirty Six Thousand Dollar Speaker Cables?

    I get all my speaker wire at estate sales. Usually for a buck for a box of the stuff in the garage. I've got pretty much a lifetime supply of "good" speaker wire.
  10. R

    Thirty Six Thousand Dollar Speaker Cables?

    The fact that you can post that here and not worry about being banned drastically increases my respect for this site, especially relative to another site that shall remain un-named. I guess there is sanity on the internet.
  11. R

    Kenwood KD-500 tonearm

    I'm still using the KD500 with ADC tonearm that I bought new. I use an Audio Technica AT20 and 15SA as well as an ADC ZLM. Works fine for me. I also picked up one of those little stands back in the day with the little needles and magnets that lifts the tonearm at the end of a record. It...
  12. R

    Making Money Out of Thin Air!!!!!!!

    Well, the sea lion deaths are a good thing. They are infesting the coast and protected at the same time.
  13. R

    Making Money Out of Thin Air!!!!!!!

    I have seven basses. I use tape wound's on my air bass to solve that problem. Sure looks weird, though.
  14. R

    Records from the 80's....harsh?

    One of my bands does that song. I sing lead. It's one of my favorites. Crowd loves it!
  15. R

    Records from the 80's....harsh?

    I remember one day listening to I Robot and enjoying it like it was Nirvana. It wasn't my first listening, but there was some sort of connection with my mood and the music. I've never felt this way about listening to any music since that one day. I had an Audio Technica AT15SA, Technics SL 23...
  16. R

    Records from the 80's....harsh?

    I remember going to a paint gun event with a bunch of guys I worked with and the driver put on a brand new CD, Brothers in Arms, by Dire Straights. It was the most amazingly mixed music I ever heard. The clarity, the dynamics. I loved pretty much the whole thing. I’d never heard anything like...
  17. R

    Records from the 80's....harsh?

    I still use my HCA 7500 that I bought new. And yes, one knob for each. Love that preamp.